Textplay: News

Textplay 0.32 released
Mon, 08 Aug 2005 20:48:24 +0200
Some small goodies. See ChangeLog for further info.
Textplay 0.31 released
Sat, 23 Jul 2005 19:11:09 +0200
  • Add X-paste support in output window.
  • Scripts now only gets loaded if they are numerically prefixed.
  • Some fixes and optimizations.
See ChangeLog for further info.
Textplay 0.30.1 released
Mon, 20 Jun 2005 14:11:11 +0200
A nasty last minute bug snug in in 0.30, it is now fixed.
Textplay 0.30 released
Sun, 19 Jun 2005 20:15:25 +0200
A whole lot has changed in this release. Specifically the action, substitution, alias system; which is now written in Perl. For a quick introduction see the file scripts/demo.pl.

The ANSI system has changed as well -- not dramatically; notice the $BEGINCOLOR, $ENDCOLOR in scripts/demo.pl; these give great flexibilty in coloring the input.

I will be working on a tutorial for Textplay some time in a near future.

And as usual -- happy gaming...
Textplay 0.24 released
Sat, 30 Apr 2005 16:07:58 +0000
The new in this release is:
  • The versioning system got a 0. prepended to avoid version inflation.
  • Faster ANSI processing.
  • A geometry fix.
Happy gaming...
Last modified:
$Date: 2005/08/08 18:49:19 $
thochr at users.sourceforge.net